Pacific Palisades Asbestos Removal
You may require asbestos removal in Pacific Palisades, CA, if you are living in an older home that has not been updated to modern safety standards. An ancient fire retardant, with many references to its use dating back 4,500 years, asbestos was broadly employed throughout the 19th and 20th centuries in industry, agriculture, and home production. While largely safe when in perfect condition, asbestos is highly toxic and dangerous to lungs when broken or damaged. Through scientific and medical advancements, it has been determined that this substance is generally not safe for use in the home. A champion of asbestos removal, Nielsen Environmental strives to rid buildings of materials that are dangerous to humans.
First questioned for toxicity in 1899, the safety of asbestos was researched by hospitals, and written about in medical journals. The earliest death traced directly to asbestos was in 1906, but it was not until 1924 that Parliament officially began to inquire about human safety outweighing the industrial usefulness of the product. Legislation was altered in the following decade to address safety concerns related to ventilation and inhalation of asbestos, and it was not long after, that the United States followed suit. Despite this, it was not until decades later in the 1970s that the US began to weigh heavily on the asbestos industry and push for change.
When it was revealed that, for forty years, leadership in the asbestos trade had been obfuscating knowledge of severe health complications associated with the material, the government cracked down heavily. In the decades since, many countries have subsequently limited or banned the use of asbestos in construction.
As a result of its global production and massively widespread industrial use, asbestos is everywhere and many teams have based entire businesses on eradication. Asbestosis and mesothelioma are concerning issues for the population, and services looking to eliminate them have a lot of ground to cover. When you contact Nielsen Environmental, you are reaching out to an experienced business who seeks to improve the general health of the population.
When updating or renovating a building, it is important to have a qualified Pacific Palisades asbestos removal service visit the site to test for content. Since asbestos dust is laden with microscopic fibers that are highly damaging to the lungs, it is advised to not destroy or demolish walls, tiles, or shingles without first testing for the material. Once airborne, the dust is difficult to contain and should not be inhaled.
If you are suffering from mesothelioma, it is possible that your living space has tiny asbestos particles floating around from previous renovation. Asbestos removal in Pacific Palisades is exceptionally important for future generations, and certainly an issue that should not be ignored. Safety remains paramount over industry and our procedures should include taking care of our environment, our bodies, and our homes. Widespread usefulness does not eclipse human safety, and the time has come to remove asbestos from our lives, for the greater good.